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Moms Hate Back To School – Someone tell Staples

back to school

I have never been so thrilled to receive so many comments that started with


Truly, if I see one more commercial with a happy shiny mom buying calculators I might cancel cable. But then I couldn’t watch Homeland, so there’s that.

When I wrote about hating back to school I worried about a backlash of the sancti mommy’s who were at that very moment hand stitching their children new lunch boxes, out of recycled materials.

But you hate it, and that is what I love you dear readers. I wish we could all spend the next week together on the beach, blithely ignoring our offspring and drinking pina coladas.

I love that someone pointed out that we only have 301 days until next summer vacation. And most of you also seem to hate making lunches. Amen. We survived on cafeteria gruel, why can’t they (yes sancti-mommies I will still make organic lunches, but I will not enjoy it).

The comment that touched me the most however was from Lisa. She is recovering from cancer and she is a poignant reminder that none of us know how much time we have. If you read my blog, you too prize being with your kids above most everything. So for these last few precious days of summer I’m going put away my computer and play with my kids.

Lisa wins the momAgenda. I admit, it wasn’t random. Chemo has messed with her memory and she needs it. Don’t be angry with me, I will do a random one next time. Mother to mother, Lisa gets the momAgenda and I wish her a healthy year that is organized and fabulous.

Thank you all for taking the time to read what I write, and to comment, and to share your lives with me. I am blessed beyond words.

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