He’d like to thank the Academy
The Four Seasons in New York is literally rolling out the red carpet for families.
I’m often asked, “Do you feel comfortable bringing all of your kids to such fancy hotels?” These questions come from people who clearly know my boys. The answer is absolutely yes. Luxury hotels WANT kids (even wild boys) and the best of these hotels are pulling out all the stops to woo traveling families.
We were recently invited to spend the weekend at the uber luxe Four Seasons smack in the heart of mid-town Manhattan and to experience their new partnership program with Red Carpet Kids.

Why yes you can take my Lighting McQueen rollie-may I tip you in Skittles?
The Four Seasons New York has long been a haven for masters of the universe and traveling glitterati. I’m not sure it would have been the top of my family friendly New York hotels list prior to this trip. Kind of like Daddy Warbucks, the Four Seasons is all serious business on the outside and all kid friendly on the inside.
At check-in the kids were each given their own little backpack filled with a stuffed Maxine, the Beanie Baby mascot of the hotel. Remember the Beanie Baby craze? Yeah, the guy who invented them owns the Four Seasons New York, so that whole thing really worked out for him.

Keaton with Maxine and the smoking hot-I mean talented-General Manager of the hotel
We stayed in a Manhattan Suite which had plenty of room for the whole family, AND a special mini-bar where according to Keaton “parents have the party after their kids go to bed.”
Here is his video tour of the suite:
As fabulous as a stay at the Four Seasons is, the new partnership with Red Carpet Kids has taken a family trip to New York over the top.
It’s not cheap, the good things in life never are. When you book your stay you can arrange your Red Carpet Kids package at the same time. Rates are at bottom of the article.

Red Carpet Kids NYC
This is what you’ll get:
The mini-celebrities and their VIP staff (that’s you) are whisked by limo to the upper east side headquarters of Red Carpet kids to make their big screen debut

For mini-VIP’s and their staff
There they are greeted by tuxedo wearing butlers and are trailed by the “paparazzi”

The best part? They all speak in fake British accents and never break character
Event staff usher the tiny stars to the literal red carpet where they take questions from the press.
My favorite answer was when Keaton was asked “What are you wearing tonight?” “Clothes” he said. “Who dressed you?” “Um, my mom.”

The paparazzi even dress the part and follow the min-celebs around
Here’s a little clip of other burning questions the press need answered:
Next, it’s off to wardrobe where they change in to their super hero costumes – in a phone booth – natch.

Heeeerrreee they come to save the daaayyy!
The magic happens in the green room where they make them fly and defeat Captain Evil

“Um, when do I get a gun?”
Once the movie is “wrapped” and “in the can”, the stars have an after party of course. Pizza for them, champagne and sushi for their handlers (again, that’s us)

Eat your heart out DeNiro
What’s a move premiere without a screening?
The screening room has seats that came from Radio City Music Hall and free movie candy for everyone.

Keaton is still convinced “it’s coming to theaters soon mom, for real”

Just the cost of movie candy alone pays for the party (just tell yourself that)
After the premiere are of course – the awards. Everyone gets an Oscar.
I can’t believe he didn’t thank his mother:
As if the limo, paparazzi and free candy weren’t enough, the Four Seasons mocked up a New York Post and it was waiting in the room when we returned.
All of the “actors” get a copy of their blockbuster movie on DVD to take home and torture grandparents with on holidays. Red Carpet Kids can be booked for parities by savvy New York City kids as well.
The Four Seasons New York is a fab location for posh traveling families, adding on the Red Carpet Kids package can take a stay in New York and turn it in to the memory of a lifetime.
Though our stay at the Four Seasons and our Red Carpet experience were all complimentary, Keaton’s love cannot be bought with stardom and free candy. Because all candy is free to him and he already thinks he’s a star.
This weekend package is available starting at USD 4,000.00 plus tax for one night including a luxurious Four Seasons guest room, transfer to and from Red Carpet Kids film studio, the Red Carpet Kids film experience and a special movie-inspired amenity. Guests can book additional nights at rates starting at USD 695.00 plus tax, per night. Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance by calling 212 758 5700, and Red Carpet Kids Experience is for families up to 5 persons. All offers are subject to availability at the time of reservation